
Community of Practice Vision Statement

We are a contemplative community grounded in a common longing for deepening relationship with the Holy that connects the inner life to the ways we participate in the world. As a contemplative community of practice, we share a common attitude and purpose: to attend to the depth human journey in ourselves and others with compassion and truth. We honor diversity of experience, welcoming individuals from all walks of life and diverse faith traditions.

We are “the course.” The individuals who make this year-to-year commitment live in the knowledge that none of us is finished. We are responding to a deep and personal call to be part of a community that recognizes that the interior work flowing into the world and back, continually remaking us, is the essential work – work we cannot do alone.


Being and doing are each essential to a maturing life, flowing into and out of one another.

Because we human beings are always in formation and unfinished:

  • We continue to examine our stories for new meaning.

  • We are committed to wholeness rather than perfection.

  • We seek new ways of seeing rather than unyielding attachment to conviction.

  • We seek to nurture the authentic self – both individual and corporate – towards integration and outward expression.


  • We seek to discern and respond to the movements of the Spirit, deepening our sense of connection between self, others, the Holy, and all creation.

  • We commit to sincere spiritual practices that nourish the soul of each participant and our common life.

  • We support these commitments in an inter-dependent Community of trust, companionship, and accountability that:

    • fosters deep listening and reflection

    • inspires open and discerning dialogue

    • celebrates the call towards authentic expression of prophetic service in the world.